Great Benefits, a Great Community

Join the Tai Chi Internal Arts community by becoming a member today from as little as £35/year and make the most of the wide range of benefits on offer.

The best known Tai Chi Internal Arts are Tai Chi Chuan, Qigong, Baguazhang and Xingyiquan

Membership Benefits

You will be joining probably the largest UK organisation representing Tai Chi Chuan and the other Chinese Internal Arts such as Baguazhang, Xingyiquan and Qigong.

We represent a wide spectrum of views and approaches to the arts. We strive to bring together practitioners and teachers and support the development of the arts and we are NOT style specific.

We offer two choices of membership, starting at only £35/year:

Ordinary Membership

This is open to anyone interested in Tai Chi Internal Arts (of which the best known are Qigong, Baguazhang and Xingyiquan) whether you are merely curious, attending classes or an experienced teacher. Membership offers a wide range of benefits; see below.

Instructor Membership

Being a registered Union Instructor will give you the recognition with the public, other practitioners and students to grow your club or classes. As well as receiving the Ordinary Membership benefits, you will have access to Union grants and other support; see below.  You’ll need to undertake an assessment to show you meet our standards.

Join here


Being a member of the Union offers you a wide range of benefits.

Ordinary MembershipInstructor Membership
Tai Chi Internal Arts Magazine (3 times a year) - print and online versions available
Practical Support
Discount on events
Free T-Shirt (*)
Exclusive Clothing
Promote Your Books and DVDs
Access to Members Forum
Regular newsletters
Free Website Listing
Personalised Web Page
Event Promotion on our website and Facebook page
Gerda Geddes Fund
Sponsorship for events and projects which promote Tai Chi Internal Arts and the Union

(*) Members are entitled to a free t-shirt which is offered when joining and at renewal.

We are always pleased to welcome new members from the UK, and from all parts of the world. So why not join the Union today and become part of the growing community.

Join here