
How To Join

Membership is open to anyone interested in or practising recognised styles of Tai Chi Chuan, Baguazhang,  Xingyiquan, Qigong or other recognised Chinese Internal Arts.

We are an organisation run by members for members. We all passionately believe there should be a Union focused on these Internal Arts and which includes all the various recognised styles.  All the Board and nearly all the supporters are volunteers giving their time for free which helps us keep our membership fees low.

There are two ways in which you can become a member.

1. Ordinary Member: UK fee £35 per year; overseas fee £45 per year

Ordinary Membership is open to anyone interested in Tai Chi or other recognised Chinese Internal Arts whether they are merely curious, attending classes or an experienced practitioner or teacher.

NB: There is no assessment to join as an Ordinary Member, you simply complete a short form.  There is no form of accreditation with Ordinary Membership, i.e. you cannot use your membership to prove your ability to teach Internal Arts.  If this is what you need then you must join as an Instructor (see below).

Click here to join as an Ordinary Member


2. Instructor Member: UK fee £45 per year; overseas fee £55 per year

Instructor membership is for those who have been practicing for at least 5 consecutive years and wish to be have the credibility of being one of our accredited instructors.  All applicants are assessed by our panel of experts who focus on common principles and NOT the specifics of any particular style.

Click here to join as an Instructor Member

NB: The Board of The Tai Chi Union for Great Britain CIC reserves its absolute right to recognize only safe and acceptable use of qigong and other Chinese Internal Health practices for well-being. Potentially dangerous or otherwise unacceptable practices will not be recognised.