Instructor: Luke Shepherd
Taiji is the study of change. From one moment to the next, we arrive in a new posture, position or situation.
Have we maintained our alignment, balance, stability and our equilibrium?
Can we apply taiji principles to our movement, so we can blend into a new situation feeling centered and whole? Can we take these ideas and apply them to more than just the taiji postures or forms?
The workshop is suited to any style or practitioner of any level and we will be practicing the taiji principles in exercises, form and push hands.
We will be unravelling what is taken for granted, asking questions and putting it back together to give a clear direction for practice.
All welcome
Cost: £95 per 2 days
Discount for Union members: £5
Event Address: Ashburton Town Hall, North St, Ashburton, Devon TQ13 7QQ
Event Email:
Event Phone: 07531 584 898
Event Website: